Welcome To My Inspection Agreements

Never conduct another inspection without a “signed” Pre-Inspection Agreement!

My Inspection Agreements enables you use and modify the existing Agreements, or upload your own inspection agreement. Your Client can read it and agree to the Terms and Conditions of your inspection agreement before you conduct the inspection. Once you set up the Invoice settings, You will be a able to send an invoice with the agreement if you wish.

My Inspection Agreements will store signed agreements for  1 calendar year (December 31), Its important that you save Agreements as they are delivered to your inbox.

Getting started is an easy 3 step process!

1) Sign into Agreements On Line and complete your company information, and add your pricing to the inspections in the Invoice Setup.
2) Preview the existing Agreements it you like them, they are free for you to use, or you can copy and paste your own inspection agreements.
3) Click on Send Agreement request from the web portal or directly from My Inspection App on your mobile device.

Agreements On line is a Free Service for all My Inspection App users on the Business plan and above

Australian Standards AS 4349.1-2007 & AS 4349.3-2010 recommends an inspection agreement be in place prior to a inspection being carried out. The Purpose of the agreement is to inform the client of what is included in the inspection and just as important what is excluded from a inspection. This eliminates any doubt from the clients perspective and gives a clear understanding of what your client can expect from you and from the inspection report you provide your client with.

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